Lets be honest about this. The reason has nothing to do with civil servant performance. This is meant to disable the Federal work force and when it no longer functions the Elon Musks of the administration will be tasked via government contract to pick up the slack. More money for the Muskovites less freedom for the workers.

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Well said, thank you for this. I would add that if you are a member of the bargaining unit but are not a dues paying member, you should join immediately, and also consider volunteering in the shop. Official Time is still the law of the land, agencies must allow bargaining unit employees time to work on union business during duty hours.

If we make it through this, it will be because we stand strong together and our unions have the resources to fight for us in court.

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The wording of the 'Return to In-Person work' order says 'terminate remote work'.

No idea if that was on purpose or an unawareness that 'remote work' is different than 'telework'.

OPM's definition: For purposes of OPM’s guidance, telework refers to arrangements where the employee is expected to report to work both at an agency worksite and alternative worksite on a regular and recurring basis each pay period. Remote work does not involve an expectation that the employee regularly reports to the agency worksite each pay period.

Remote work is what we did under Covid, Telework is what many of us did before and are doing now.

Also in the Presidential Action - it says: 'This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable law.' - and there is a Telework Law. https://www.congress.gov/111/plaws/publ292/PLAW-111publ292.pdf under which each agency establishes it's policy. Which of course, any new presidential appointee can most likely change in the end I'd guess.

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Thank you for this.

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Bless you for gathering this information and we pray that most everyone will not need it. Much of this information is invaluable anyway– even for those in the current private sector workforce. Thank you very much again!

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Excellent work. Solid proactive steps.

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Has there been any talk of our retirement pension being hit?

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I don't work for the government, never have. This whole thing sickens me to the bone.

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