Hey everyone,
Two months in and already this little experiment has been a big success — with 10k+ subscribers and lots of engaged feedback.
But we’re coming up on a problem. There’s just too much to talk about in any given week. And it’s only March. So before we overwhelm your inbox, we’re growing If you can keep it into two separate newsletters that you can subscribe to (or unsubscribe from).
If you can keep it - weekly - the same briefing you’ve been getting so far, generally 1x per week. Fridays at 7AM ET. The top issues and nothing else. Written by me or Sohini Desai.
If you can keep it - insights - a separate feed for deeper dives, breaking news, interviews and more robust explainers from top experts at Protect Democracy and beyond. Like Amanda Carpenter on Viktor Orban, Ian Bassin and Stephanie Llanes on how to build a democracy nonprofit or Jessica Marsden on SCOTUS foibles. 1-3x per week.
To respect your time and inbox, right now you’re only subscribed to weekly and it’ll stay that way unless you also opt-in to insights here:
Just hit the button and change your notification settings. (And if it’s ever too many emails, just change it back.)
As always, let us know your feedback: digital@protectdemocracy.org. (Send us tips on issues you’d like us to cover in Insights, please!)
Finally, if the briefing has been useful so far, help us reach more people. We’re not asking for money, but we’d love it if you could forward If you can keep it on to 2-5 colleagues or friends, inviting them to subscribe. Always free, always cross-ideological, always anti-authoritarian.
Many thanks,
-Ben & the If you can keep it team